Monday, June 21, 2010

Go Daddy set Photos

Here are some photos of talent working on the Go Daddy commercials.

Peter Piper Pizza

Here is the Peter Piper Pizza spot titled "Roll Call".

Peter Piper Pizza

Peter Piper Pizza casting was very successful. We had several days of auditions and saw over 200 actors and kids who came in to audition as families, friends and couples. They booked about 21 principal actors and 30 extras for this two day shoot.
Here is the Spanish version of the spot titled "Play".

Next Care Urgent Care

We handled the casting for this NextCare commercial. The super funny and talented Angie Seger and Hillary Frooks were chosen. We laughed our way through the audition and callback process on this one. The girls that came in gave us some pretty funny improv in playing the office sicko. Check it out!

DirecTV Commercial

Here is a really fun DirecTV commercial we did casting for last year. This was starring Lou Pinella. We cast several young kids for a soccer game as well as parents and coaches. There are a lot of really cute kids out there!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Go Daddy Photo Double

Morgan Mitchell was used as a Danika Patrick photo double for some still photos the Go Daddy crew shot. She is a striking resemblance to Danika!

Go Daddy "Lola" commercial

This is the final Go Daddy commercial we did the casting for in 2009. It is titled "Lola" and is about a former NFL football player that followed his dreams to become a lingerie designer. Unfortunately, it was banned from the superbowl...not sure why but here it is.

Go Daddy "Grandma Dance" commercial

This is another Go Daddy commercial we handled the casting for and one of my favorites. We auditioned several seniors to play the role of a Danika Patrick's grandparents. The Go Daddy crew selected Philip Thorneycroft and Judy Boyd. They also selected Judy Lebeau and Ryan DeLuca to play the mom and teenage brother. Check it out...they are so adorable!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Go Daddy "Spa" Commercial

Here is the beautiful and talented Leanne Dearing who was cast in the Go Daddy "spa" commercial. She beat out AZ and LA talent. Way to go Leanne!

Superbowl Go Daddy Casting

MovieWork Now Casting was hired to do casting for several upcoming Go Daddy superbowl commercials. We held several auditions and callbacks over the course of less than a month. Congratulations to all of the talent that worked on these cute and popular commercials. All of these spots were filmed in the valley. It was so exciting to watch them during the Superbowl! Here is the Go Daddy "News" spot.